Quality Maine Camping
Camp Laurel, on the shores of Echo Lake in Maine’s Belgrade Lakes region, is known for taking great care of kids! Through our action-packed seven week experience, campers are exposed to a wide range of activities within our unique 6-part core program of Athletics, Waterfront, Adventure, Inter-Arts, Tennis and Equestrian. Our caring, nurturing and professional staff of coaches, educators and college students encourages our campers to develop new interests, gain new skills and discover new strengths.
Activities @ Camp
At Camp Laurel, campers participate in group activities and team sports and also develop individual talents.
A Guide For
First-Time Campers
Sending a child to summer camp is a tremendous act of faith by parents. At Camp Laurel, we take that responsibility seriously and encourage our campers to develop new interests and skills as they discover new strengths. We maintain an environment that encourages safety and reinforces a positive self-image.
The Staff Experience
Being a staff member at Camp Laurel is far more than a summer job. It’s an unforgettable experience in beautiful surroundings, and a rare opportunity to reach your full potential as you help others reach theirs.