“Work” and “camp” aren’t often found in the same sentence, especially for children who go to camp. But it’s important for children to develop patience and a good work ethic. It’s equally important to dream big. Camp is the best opportunity to merge hard work, big dreams and creativity. Whether they’re using their less-dominant foot in soccer, throwing a bowl in ceramics or performing an original song at a campfire, Camp Laurel offers endless opportunities for children to achieve the prideful feeling of a job well done.
Camp is the ideal setting to take ‘safe risks’ by trying something new. And experiencing fresh activities creates a lasting sense of curiosity. Conquering the climbing wall or learning to waterski may seem daunting when viewed from afar, but having counselors break down activities into simpler steps can be inspirational when trying something new.

Beyond the initial wonder of an activity, the structure of our program and quality of our staff allows campers to develop skills. When children can work toward something, they truly appreciate the end result. It’s more rewarding when a goal is earned through patience and hard work, especially in today’s world of instant gratification. And with campers being involved in the goal-setting process from the beginning, they learn that hard work pays off. Prolonged satisfaction creates determined, hard-working individuals. The best part for children and parents: how much FUN they’re having while they’re developing their skills!