It is almost dizzying to believe there are two weeks of camp left. It truly feels like yesterday we were just getting settled in. And now, here we are.
Maybe what’s most amazing to see – if you were able to watch from 10,000 feet above – are cabin dynamics. Whether a group has been “together” for many summers; or a group is a combination of new and returning campers; or, there was a cabin of brand new kids five short weeks ago — cabins are now functioning as a family. Campers are fully comfortable where they live. Counselors feel like the camper are “their kids.” And the dynamic is incredibly gratifying to watch.
What’s more – program areas are in full and high gear. The skills and accomplishments over the past five weeks are evident. Basketball to Soccer, Ceramics to ChafCamp, Aerial Park to Metals and Tennis to Fitness. We cant wait until you see what we’re talking about when you see your most prized possession in two weeks.
Everyone is now back in camp after a great week of Extended Trips (except Super Seniors who return Sunday) and we have 14 days of fun to come.. Stay tuned moms and dads…they say the best is yet to come!